How to Grow Portulaca Flowers
Moss rose plants are popular bedding plants sold in nurseries and home improvement stores in the spring. If you see any leftover annual plants on clearance in the summer, you might notice that the moss rose plants are usually just as lovely as they were in May, a testament to the plant’s toughness.The succulent leaves of the portulaca are another clue to the wonderful drought-tolerance of this low-growing annual flower. Many varieties have semi-double to fully double flowers that resemble miniature roses. Flowers come in hot colors, like yellow, orange, red, and bright pink. White, cream, and variegated flower colors are also available.
· Botanical Name: Portulaca grandiflora
· Common Name: Moss rose
· Plant Type: Annual flower
· Mature Size: 3 to 8 inches tall and 12 to 24 inches wide
· Sun Exposure: Full sun
· Soil Type: Sandy, well-drained; will tolerate moist to dry soil
· Soil pH: 5.5 to 7.0
· Bloom Time: Early summer to frost
· Flower Color: White, orange, yellow, red
How to Grow Portulaca
The low water requirement of the
moss rose makes it a natural choice for the container garden. You can
include it in containers that are exposed to winds, such as on a patio or
dock. The trailing habit of the moss rose works well in hanging
Portulaca behaves itself as a ground
cover, never going out of bounds, so try it in a small
garden or fairy garden. Or, you can plant portulaca in the rock
garden, where it will flourish in poor soils. It is also vigorous enough to
grow in the pockets of a stacked stone wall, where the plants will tumble down
the sun-warmed rocks.
Portulacas need six to eight hours
of full sun to reach their potential. If you try to grow portulacas in
a shady area, they will pout and close up their flowers. You will also
notice the flowers close at night and on cloudy days.
Portulacas demand a well-drained
soil. If your soil is mostly clay, you should grow your portulacas in
containers rather than try to turn the clay into the sandy, rocky soil that
these plants love.
Portulacas are drought-tolerant, but
they aren’t cacti. The plants will tolerate periods of dryness, and you
probably won’t return home to withered specimens after vacation, but flowering
is better with regular irrigation. Drip irrigation is best, as
sprinklers can disfigure the delicate blooms.
Temperature and Humidity
A native of Brazil, Uruguay, and
Argentina, moss rose likes heat and can tolerate dry conditions. It is commonly
used for xeriscaping.
Feed portulacas with a slow-release
fertilizer (for flowers) twice a year, or once every 6 months.
Here are some stunning portulaca
varieties to consider:
· 1 Afternoon
Delight: Delays closing its blooms in the evening
2 Duet series: Bi-color flowers in yellow and red or yellow and rose
3 Fairy Tale series: Resemble bomb-type peonies, in that they have a pom pom center with flat petals that flare around the edges
4 Happy Hour: Has a shortened photoperiod requirement, which means earlier blooms
5 Margarita series: Rosita variety an All-American selections winner in this series
6 Sundance: Has larger flowers than other varieties on mounding, upright plants
7 Sundial series: A good choice for Northwest gardeners, as it tolerates cloudy days and cool weather
8 Yubi series: Single-petaled flowers in eight color choice
2 Duet series: Bi-color flowers in yellow and red or yellow and rose
3 Fairy Tale series: Resemble bomb-type peonies, in that they have a pom pom center with flat petals that flare around the edges
4 Happy Hour: Has a shortened photoperiod requirement, which means earlier blooms
5 Margarita series: Rosita variety an All-American selections winner in this series
6 Sundance: Has larger flowers than other varieties on mounding, upright plants
7 Sundial series: A good choice for Northwest gardeners, as it tolerates cloudy days and cool weather
8 Yubi series: Single-petaled flowers in eight color choice
Portulacas do bloom all season, but
they may begin to look lanky by July. At this point, you can trim back the
plants and fertilize with a balanced flower fertilizer for renewed
Growing Moss Roses From
If you’re growing your portulaca
plants from seed, take care not to over-sow the tiny seeds, which are as small
as pepper flakes and need light to germinate. You can start the seeds indoors
eight weeks before your last frost date for earlier flowers, or plant
them in the ground after the last frost. The seeds take about two weeks to
germinate in warm temperatures of 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Plants also
self-seed generously, so learn to recognize young seedlings in the spring garden.
Common Pests
Aphids occasionally bother
portulacas, especially in the spring. Spray affected plants
with insecticidal soap when the temperature is below 85 degrees
Fahrenheit. Slugs and snails affect plants in wet areas. Roll out the
unwelcome mat with diatomaceous earth around moss rose plants to slash and
dry out these and other insect pests.

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